Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Bounty Belles

I am getting my blocks ready for my next swap. As only 17 ladies signed up Lorraine and I decided to divide a swap between us. We are going to do Calico Garden... I have made up 36 Calico blocks and divided them into 2 sets of 18. I cut the blocks 7" for a finished 6" block. This gives me some cut down leeway for the pulling of the applique. I will add 9 patches to finish the quilt off.

I got this pattern from the book Enduring Grace by Celia Y Oliver.

I have done my first block and 2nd block. Lorraine will do her first two so that each swap the ladies can see our colour scheme.
I now only have to go buy the plastic bag and the swap is ready to post.
Now on to my own swap... Carol-ann's horses.

1 comment:

quiltwhinny said...

Lovely, simple applique blocks. I'm going to look that book up, and save the idea for my quilt guild. Can't wait to see what your horse swap is about!

The Quiltwhinny
