Friday, July 25, 2008

SCQIS - Gorgeous Girls

The mailman brought another swap this week so I have been busy making my block. This swap belongs to Wendy and she is doing Ted E Bear for her son. Wendy mentioned in her booklet that she has a very elaborate embroidery machine and can add details so I have made my block up and enclosed the drawing for Wendy to enhance my block. Ted E Bear has been having a very adventurous life. He has been to the moon, skating, fishing, cuddling his favourite dragon and I have put him in the Olympics. I wanted to reflect our part of the country and there is a lot of white water rafting here so I did him participating in the kayaking at the Olympics.

I started by drawing a picture. The score board is what I have asked Wendy to embroider on the block.

Then putting the background on and finishing off the block.

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